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What are the benefits of joining
With a membership at you'll get access to his entire library of training, workout programs, recipes, and challenges. You'll also get:
Not right now, but it's near the top of the queue for our web guys. Watch for it come soon.
How can I provide feedback about the site?
More than anything else, we'd like to know that we're providing the best help to you that we can. So if there's anything that you have feedback about, please contact us at Doesn't matter if it's something as simple as a spelling error on the site, or something major that you think has negatively impacted your experience with us, we want to know about it.
Really, I'd rather you just let us know what's wrong and give us a chance to fix it, but if there's nothing we can do to you talk you out of it... our team is more than happy to also help you cancel your membership. Just email us directly at with your request and we'll get everything figured out.
How can I change my payment method?
You can update your payment method from your account dashboard. If you have any troubles, feel free to drop a line to us at and we'll be more than happy to help you figure everything out.